Thursday, June 10, 2010


Wow! It's been so long since I blogged that I actually forgot I had a blog! I hope none of you have been holding your breath or you are probably a pretty shade of periwinkle blue by now.
Go ahead and exhale.

Great things are happening and I guess I will write it out for those of you who didn't hear me shouting from my housetop yesterday!

The shipping orders for "The Rhyme and Reason Series: Matthew" were being put together yesterday and I should be receiving my copies sometime next week. They are arriving just in time for the Christian Bookseller's Association Convention in St. Louis the last three days of June. I am extremely excited! Kerry, my publicist extraordinaire, has set up three book signings and several interviews while we are there. This all makes for huge potential to help spread the work about the series. I have heard about CBA for years now and am excited to be finally going and looking forward to the experience.

Kerry also managed to get a book signing scheduled at the Tulsa Mardel at 71st and Mingo for Saturday, July 31st and at Full Circle Books on Saturday, July 24th. Both the "Tulsa World" and the "Oklahoman" have agreed to run follow-up articles and announce the signings. I will also be doing a television interview on KTUL Channel 8 on Friday, July 30th around 9:00 am or so. A lot of people are doing a lot of things to help promote this series and I am in awe of all God is orchestrating. I am pretty sure I have my own personal legion of angels assigned to this project!

We also have new personalized CDs of "Genesis" available where the child hears their name being read over 40 times as they are listening to the CD and following along in the book! For example, they would hear, "Emma, this is the true story of how it all began..." and so on throughout the entire book. They are selling like crazy! We also have free downloadable coloring pages and word games available on the website. The thought was to create tools for Sunday School teachers, children's ministers, parents and grandparents or whomever, to have tools available to help them utilize the books to greater effect. Because the goal is still, "Getting these books in people's hands so people's hands pick up The Book!" To that end, we are doing all we can.

And here's why: "The Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword." It changes lives and it changes where people spend eternity. There is no greater job than to partner with the Lord to populate heaven and decimate hell.

To that end, we labor until He comes again on clouds of glory!